
Real Trading Research is where the pros learn to trade. Every day we develop new trading systems, build rich training programs, and foster an engaged community to make trading better for everyone. Join us in creating a better future where experts and newbies can become Prolific traders and earn a salary trading the most complex and exciting market.


Performance Driven

We create the best trading systems, education, and engagement programs in the industry.  We are driven by results and reward the team based on our ability to exceed our customers expectations.

We have an active and loyal customer base because we are all focused on creating and delivering great products and services.


We come together from 5 continents and from all walks of life.  Our team is filled with people from different backgrounds; from lifestyle seeking freelancers to senior corporate executives – if you are really good, you can work with us.

                                      Our Culture

1. Honestly Self Reflective:  We are optimistic about the future and brutally critical and realistic about the present.  We make mistakes and obsess about getting better next time.

2. Fast and Proficient: Fast and proficient comes from thoughtful planning and diligent execution to deliver great experiences for our customers.  We work hard up-front to reap future rewards.

3. Fun and Friendly: We accept no alternative to being friendly.  If you are not having fun, you shouldn’t be here.

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